
Date Lecture Note
1/13 (Mon) Introduction HLH17 113
1/15 (Wed) ROS Basics HLH17 113
1/17 (Fri) First Driving HLH17 113
1/22 (Wed) First Driving (Lab) - Arduino, PWM HLH17 229
1/27 (Mon) First Driving (Lab) - CAN bus HLH17 229
1/29 (Wed) Sensors - Part 1: Sensors for Self-driving Cars HLH17 113
2/3 (Mon) Canceled  
2/5 (Wed) Sensors - Part 2: Orientation, Frame Transformation, Dead Reckoning HLH17 113
2/10 (Mon) Sensors - Lab HLH17 229
2/12 (Wed) Sensor Fusion and Filtering - Part 1: Intro and Review of Prob. Theory HLH17 113
2/17 (Mon) Sensor Fusion and Filtering - Part 2: Bayes Filter HLH17 113
2/19 (Wed) Sensor Fusion and Filtering - Part 3: Kalman Filter HLH17 113
2/24 (Mon) Computer Vision HLH17 113/229
2/26 (Wed) Guest Lecture - Collision Avoidance and Autonomous Vehicle Technology: Transportation Revolution and Societal Implications Gene Gurevich (Mobileye), Location: HLH17 113
3/2 (Mon) Guest Lecture - Machine Learning for Autonomous Driving (4:00 PM) Urs Muller and Larry Jackel (NVIDIA), Location: DL 220
3/4 (Wed) Line Detection HLH17 113/229
  Spring Break  
3/23 (Mon) Remote Lab & Lane Detection Online (Zoom)
3/25 (Wed) Guest Lecture - Intel’s Stereo and Lidar Depth Cameras: What are they and how can you use them? Anders Grunnet-Jepsen (CTO of Intel RealSense)
3/30 (Mon) Lane Detection Online (Zoom)
4/1 (Wed) Feedback Control & Lane Following Online (Zoom)
4/6 (Mon) Exam Canvas
4/8 (Wed) Intro to Machine Learning Online (Zoom)
4/13 (Mon) Deep Learning Online (Zoom)
4/15 (Wed) CNN and Traffic Sign Recognition Online (Zoom)
4/20 (Mon) Behavioral Cloning and ML-based Steering Online (Zoom)
4/22 (Wed)    

Spring 2019 (2020 schedule will differ)

No Lecture
1 Introduction
2 ROS Basics
3 First Driving (embedded programming)
4 Lab Orientation
5 Sensors - Part 1
6 Lab session
7 Sensors - Part 2
8 Lab - LIDAR and IMU
9 Sensor Fusion/Filtering - Part 1
10 Sensor Fusion/Filtering - Part 2
11 Sensor Fusion/Filtering - Part 3
12 Computer Vision
13 Lane Detection
14 Lane Detection
15 Midterm Review
16 Midterm Exam
17 Lane Following and Feedback Control
18 Lab - Lane Following and Feedback Control
19 Intro to Machine Learning
20 Lab - Traffic sign, Indoor GPS, LIDAR
21 Deep Learning
22 CNN and Traffic Sign Recognition
23 Behavioral Cloning
24 Behavioral Cloning and Integration
25 FLINT Research on ML and Self-Driving Cars
26 Project presentation and demo