
No Topic Percentage Due
1 ROS Basics 5% 1/27 (Mon), 2:30 PM
2 Manual Driving 15% 2/12 (Wed), 2:30 PM
3 Sensors and Filtering 20% 3/5 (Thu), 11:59 PM
4 CV-based Lane Following 20% -> 30% 4/13 (Mon), 2:30 PM
5 ML-based Driving and Integration 20% -> 30% 5/7 (Thu)
6 Final Showcase (cancelled) 20% -> 0%  

Hand-in/out: Assignments will be handed out/in using GitHub. Create an account if you have not already done so.

Late-Assignments Policy: The late penalty is 10% per day, for up to five days. After this any assignments handed in will be given a grade of zero.

Final Showcase: There will be a final driving showcase at the end of the semester. Each group’s car will be evaluated for lap time on an indoor track (with obstacles). Students can freely apply/combine/improve the techniques learned from the lectures. It is not a competition. Hence, we will use an absolute grading scheme for this component.